Secure, Private, & Free Remote Access To Your Home Services
Node-RED, Unraid, AdGuard, PiHole, or any other LAN web service can be securely accessed anywhere.
Setup Local Access Now
Login In 🔒
To keep your network access secure, you must log in or create a Homeway account to proceed.
Log In Now
Empower Your Home 🏠
You must set up the Homeway addon before you can use local access.
It only takes 30 seconds to set up Homeway for Home Assistant. Our step-by-step guide will help you along the way.
Setup Your Home Assistant Now
Select A Host Addon 🚀
Select an addon to host local access. Remember, this addon must have local network access and be online to use local access.
Local Access Setup 🔗
Enter the URL you use to access the web service on your home or local network.
The URL might be a hostname http://adguard.local:1337, an IP address, or a localhost address
If you need help, contact us, we would love to assist!
Verify Local URL
Name Your Service 🖊️
The service name will become the subdomain used to access the service from
If you need help, contact us, we would love to assist!
Setup Complete 🎉
You can now access your service anywhere!
If you used the IP address in the service URL, remember that the local IP addresses can change. If it changes, you must re-run this setup to update the URL.